25 Billion Apps!

Okay this week we were trying to figure out, when you should start downloading apps, to be the 25th billion one. This challenge was created by Dan Meyer and here is where you can find the information at, http://threeacts.mrmeyer.com/25billionapps/.

How I solved the problem was I wrote down the number of downloads per-minute for 5 minutes. Then I added all the numbers and got 170894. I took that number then divided it by 5, because that was how many numbers I recorded. I got 34178.8, I divided that by 341321451. Timed that by 60 because, that is how long is in a minute. Then I got 9986, timed that by 24 because that’s how many hors are in a day. I forget what else I did. So the contest will end on March 2nd on a Friday.

Finding square roots XD Good Luck!

I am going to show you how to find the square root of 26.  Lets begin, first you need to find the closest perfect square roots the closest below and above. So the closest below is 25 and the number you times by its sef is 5.,and the closest above 26 is 36 which is 6.  Now find which your square root is closest to 25 or 36 which is 25. so it must be really really close to 5.  I’m going to estemate that it will be any where from 5.1 to 5.3. so right in the middle of 5.1 and 5.3 is 5.2. So I’m going to go with 5.2.  If this does not help there are some good ones by my friends Damion Way, Dusty Chandler, Tiffany wheeler and you can get more information on there blogs.

I hope this helped you.

Good bye 🙂

About me_ish


Well as you abously know my name is Amber Blair I love the color blue, and mac-n-cheese. I hate hot dogs, Ew! and my best friends are Aliza Jacoby, Cheyenne Richards, Damion Way, Blake West, Jillian Zimmerman, Madison Ritchie, and many more XD

I love to draw and love music. my favorite artists and bands are: NeverShoutNever, Avril lavigne, Owl City, He Is We, Mike-B, Paramore.

and well there is not much to me I’m simple and shy until I get to know you and that’s really it. so good-bye I guess.